Conheça a Central Multimídia da NASA

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A NASA possui em seu site um central multimídia com milhares de fotos e vídeos, estas feitas por astronautas , outras por satélites.  

Essas foram as últimas fotos feitas pela NASA com a super D3s (leia a matéria no site da Nikon).

*Nikon F equipped with Photomic FTN viewfinder that supports TTL center-weighted metering.
  1. 01.jpg
  2. 02.jpg
  3. 03.jpg
  4. 04.jpg
  5. 05.jpg
  6. 06.jpg
  7. 07.jpg
  8. 08.jpg
  9. 09.jpg
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  13. 13.jpg
  14. 14.jpg
  15. 15.jpg
  16. 16.jpg
  17. 17.jpg
  18. 18.jpg

Histórico da Nikon com a NASA (Em inglês):
  • 1971: Nikon Photomic FTN* (NASA specifications) was used on Apollo 15
  • 1980: The “Small Camera”, based on the Nikon F3 and equipped with a motor drive, and the F3 "Big Camera", which utilized long film, were delivered to NASA. The “Small Camera” was used aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia launched the following year.
  • 1991: The Nikon F4 and F4S were delivered to NASA
  • 1999: The Nikon F5 and AI AF Nikkor lens were carried aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery to photograph extravehicular activities (EVA)
  • 2008: D2XS digital-SLR cameras were delivered to NASA. Eight D2XS cameras are still used in space to document activities such as inspections and maintenance operations.
  • In addition, approximately 15 types of lenses, more than 35 all together, are kept aboard the International Space Station for intra- and extravehicular photography that supports NASA’s space activities.

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